Johannes Gerschmann

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Johannes Gerschmann (born July 31, 1858 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † January 17, 1928 ibid) was a German high school teacher.


Johannes Gerschmann studied modern philology at the Albertus University in Königsberg from 1876 to 1879 . In the summer semester of 1876 he became a member of the Germania Königsberg fraternity . After two years in Saint Petersburg (1880-1882), he passed on March 17, 1883 the Examen pro facultate docendi . In 1883/84 he served as a one-year volunteer in the Prussian army . In 1884/85 he completed the probationary year at the Burgschule in Königsberg and until Easter 1887 gave optional English lessons at the Royal Wilhelms-Gymnasium . Easter 1887 he became a scientific assistant teacher onLöbenichtschen Realgymnasium , where he was permanently employed as a senior teacher on September 1, 1887 . He was a member of the examination board for principals and secondary school teachers, as well as that for teachers of French and English . In the summer of 1900 and in the spring of 1901 he was given leave of absence for study trips to France and Russia . On March 15, 1902, he was employed as a technical assistant at the Kgl. Gdansk Provincial School Council appointed. From 1910 to 1923 he was high school councilor at the Königsberg Provincial School College. He was secretary of a literary society founded around 1895 .



  • Studies on the Modern Novel . Koenigsberg i. Pr. 1894 (Festschrift of the Königsberg high schools for the 350th anniversary of the Albertina in 1894).
  • Russian poetry translated in the meter of the originals . Koenigsberg i. Pr. 1915.
  • Art and morals . 1901.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Fritz Gause : Gerschmann, Johannes , in Altpreußische Biographie , supplementary volume 1, p. 921.
  2. a b Kössler's teachers' dictionary (GEB)