Kingdom of Koya

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Bai Bureh , leader of the Temne uprising in 1898

The Kingdom of Koya or Kingdom of Temne , also Kquoja , Koya Temne , was a pre-colonial kingdom in what is now Sierra Leone in West Africa from around 1450 to 1896 . The capital was at Cape Mount in what is now Grand Cape Mount County in Liberia .

The king was called Bai or Obai . The several minor kingdoms under the Koya king were led by Gbana .


The kingdom was founded by the Temne , who mainly traded with the Portuguese further south. There was a close connection with the British and French colonial powers. In late 1788, under the rule of Nembanga , an agreement was signed to establish a British colony on what is now the Freetown Peninsula . The kingdom was actively involved in the slave trade .

Between 1801 and 1807 the kingdom went to war with the British colonial powers and the Susu . Large parts of the northern coast of today's Sierra Leone were lost to the British and Port Loko to the Susu. In 1815 the port was regained. In 1841 the Temne won the war against the Loko .

On August 31, 1896, the kingdom became a British protectorate . An uprising in 1898 was unsuccessful.

List of kings

Term of office Surname annotation
1450-1680 ?
1680-1720 Naimbanna I. in Port Loko
1720 (1775?) - 11. November 1793 Naimbanna II (Nembgana) in Robanna
1793-1807 Farima IV (Farama)
1807-1817 Bai foci
1817-1825 Moriba Kindo Bangura
1825-1826 Kunia Banna
1826-1840 Fatima Brima Kama queen
1840-1859 Moribu Kindo
1859-1872 Bai Kanta
1872-1887 vacant 1872-18 ?? incumbent Alimani Lahai Bundu
1887-1898 Bai Bureh in Kasseh
1890-1898 Kompa Bakari Bombolai (William Rowe) in Koya
1898 Fula Mansa Gbanka
1898-1905 ?
1905–1908 (as Chief) Bai Bureh in Kasseh


  • JD Fage, John E. Flint, John Desmond Clark et al. : The Cambridge History of Africa. Cambridge University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-521-20701-0 , pp. 174ff.
  • Adam Jones: The Kquoja Kingdom: A Forest State in Seventeenth Century West Africa. In: Paideuma. 29, 1983, pp. 23-43.
  • Kenneth C. Wylie: The political kingdoms of the Temne. Africana Pub, 1977, ISBN 0-8419-0149-X .

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