Freetown Peninsula

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Freetown Peninsula
Western Forest (Sierra Leone) .jpg
Typical forest landscape on the peninsula
Geographical location
Freetown Peninsula (Sierra Leone)
Freetown Peninsula
Coordinates 8 ° 24 ′ 28 "  N , 13 ° 10 ′ 19"  W Coordinates: 8 ° 24 ′ 28 "  N , 13 ° 10 ′ 19"  W
Waters 1 Atlantic Ocean
River No.  2 Beach (Sierra Leone) .jpg
Typical beach on the Peninsula (here: River No. 2 Beach)

The Freetown Peninsula , also known as the Sierra Leone Peninsula , is a peninsula in West Africa and belongs to Sierra Leone . It forms the Western Area , one of the four administrative regions of the country and consists of the Western Area Rural and the Western Area Urban .

The first Europeans landed here under Pedro da Cintra and slaves were shipped from the Peninsula . The capital Freetown is located in the northwest of the peninsula.

The landscape is characterized by mangrove swamps, fine sandy beaches and a hilly primary forest and wet savannah landscape , crossed by numerous rivers. The up to 888 meter high Lion Mountains around Picket Hill are among the wettest regions (up to 6000 millimeters annual precipitation ) on earth. The large animal species that live here include chimpanzees . Due to the rural exodus to Freetown and slash and burn , the inland area, the so-called Western Area Peninsular Forest Reserve, is severely threatened.

Geographical peculiarities include the offshore islands such as Sherbro and Turtle Islands as well as the almost unexplored Turner Peninsula .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST 2005/2006. Statistics Sierra Leone, 2008, p. 2 ( Memento of the original from April 4, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. accessed on March 6, 2015  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /