Artist Quadrille op.71

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The artist's quadrille is a quadrille by Johann Strauss Sohn (op. 71). It was performed for the first time on November 25, 1849 in the Redouten Hall of the Vienna Hofburg .


The Quadrille should not be confused with the work of the same name ( op. 201 ) from 1858. This composition, ten years older, was written on the occasion of a dance festival on Katharinen Day and was also premiered there. The concert, the proceeds of which went to the Pension Society of Visual Artists , was the younger Johann Strauss' first appearance in the Hofburg. There he played mainly works by his still very popular and recently deceased father . It was a special honor for the young Kapellmeister to be able to participate in this very event. On the one hand, he was able to take a step out of his father's shadow and, on the other hand, he joined a number of well-known musicians, at least when it came to the Katharinenball engagement. B. Mozart or Joseph Haydn , who in the past had all contributed music to this traditional ball. In addition, he was now allowed to play in the Hofburg for the first time, which was a step closer to state power. Gradually he managed to forget his earlier sympathies for the revolution of 1848 . The orchestral version of the first artist quadrille was lost. The CD recording mentioned below was made with the help of an arrangement by Professor Ludwig Babinski . Apparently the work was not played very often after the world premiere.

The playing time on the CD listed under individual records is exactly five minutes. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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Individual evidence

  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 73) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), published by Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the first track on the 27th CD.