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The Kampoi (German also Kampen , Greek  Κάμποι ) were a Germanic ethnic group of unclear determination that only appears in the Geographia of Claudius Ptolemaeus . Apparently as subdivisions of this group, the Adrabaikampoi ( Ἀδραβαίκαμποι , German Adrabäcampen ) and the Parmaikampoi ( Παρμαίκαμποι , German Parmäkampen) are mentioned.

The Danube flows along the bottom to the east, north of Rätien and Vindelicia between the mouth of Lech and Inn are the Parmae Campi, the Adrabae Campi close to the east in the northern Upper and Lower Austria in

They were located by Ptolemy immediately north of the Danube and south of Bohemia , i.e. in the immediate vicinity of the Roman border. The name Kampoi is derived from the Celtic river name Kamp (from Celtic * cambo "curved"). Accordingly, the Chamb, which flows into the rain at Cham, and the Kamp in Lower Austria , are considered as tributaries of the Danube that flow on the left .

It has been suggested that Parmaikampoi from Prima Camba and Adrabaikampoi from Altera Camba are rotten. Accordingly, the Parmaikampoi would be the people or tribal group on the first river called Kamp and the Adrabaikampoi would be resident on the second river of the name. In any case, the Adrabaikampoi cannot be located far from Kamp in Lower Austria, since they are the closest people south of the Gabreta Forest ( Bohemian Forest ) to Ptolemaeus .


  • Claudius Ptolemaeus Geographia 2,11,11
