Chancellor (university)

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The chancellor of a German university is the head of administration and a member of the rectorate or presidium. He is the superior of the non-academic or non-artistic staff and is responsible for the budget, the properties as well as legal and other administrative tasks.

The salary in Germany for this office is regulated in the Federal Salary Act and depends on the size of the university; before the introduction of the W salary for these offices in many federal states, the remuneration was between A15 and B5 , today chancellors are usually at public universities paid according to W3 plus negotiable official allowances.

Concept development in a historical context

Historically, the chancellor is the representative of the emperor or the pope who founded the university or approved its establishment, and later also the representative of the sovereign or the state government. This is the reason for the name chancellor at British universities, with these officials (bishops) soon appointing vice-chancellors who performed the actual tasks.

There was a similar division of office in Germany, with the professor or civil servant responsible for carrying out the actual administrative work usually referred to as the procurator . The office of chancellor remained (nominally) in the hands of the respective founder, bishop or sovereign. There was a similar constellation in the German monarchies, in which the king reserved the office of rector and the actual holder of the academic management was called prorector .

The administrative manager was always the "master of the files", which at that time was also called the register, hence the current name for the administrative manager there (English: registrar ), in the broader sense also used for an archivist or a document officer.

Job title in English-speaking countries

The Chancellor at universities in the United States , United Kingdom and most of the Commonwealth of Nations is the formal head of the institution. The title is often given to prominent personalities, e.g. B. is Princess Anne Chancellor of the University of London . The title is therefore more representative in nature. Such chancellors are not involved in the everyday business of the actual management of the university ; instead, they are incumbent on a vice-chancellor , who is formally only the representative of the chancellor , but who actually heads the university and thus corresponds to the rector or president of a German university. At such universities, the chancellor is often appointed for life, while the vice-chancellor is appointed for a specific term. The deputies of the Vice-Chancellor in the management of the university then often carry the title Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor . The Chancellor in the sense of German higher education institutions, i.e. the head of the university administration, is the registrar ( University of Cambridge : Registrary ).

Functional term at Catholic educational institutions

At Catholic universities in Germany, the Grand Chancellor ( lat. Magnus Cancellarius ) is the supreme representative and direct contact of the Pope and the Congregation for Catholic Education . In diocesan institutions this is the local bishop , although there are exceptions to this. According to the decision of the Freising Bishops' Conference, the Bishop of Eichstätt is not the Grand Chancellor of the most famous Catholic university in Germany, the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt , but the Archbishop of Munich and Freising .

This is different at papal institutions: for example, the superior general of the Jesuit order at the order's own Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome is only the vice-grand chancellor, while the office of grand chancellor is held by the cardinal prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education. At the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Opus Dei (also in Rome), on the other hand, the Prelate of Opus Dei is Grand Chancellor and his Vicar General is Vice- Grand Chancellor .

Web links

Wiktionary: Chancellor  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Henning Ratjen: History of the University of Kiel. Schwer, Kiel 1870, pp. 54–56.