Kaoru Chiba

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Kaoru Chiba ( Japanese 千葉 馨 , Chiba Kaoru ; born March 6, 1928 in Beppu ; † June 21, 2008 ) was a Japanese horn player .

Chiba began his studies at the Tokyo Academy. Subsequently he studied with Gustav Neudecker at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold and with Dennis Brain .

Kaoru Chiba was then employed as principal horn with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra , the NHK Symphony Orchestra and the New Japanese Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra ( 新 日本 フ ィ ル ハ ー モ ニ ー 交響 楽 団 ). He was also President of the Tokyo Horn Club.

He taught an entire generation of horn players in Tokyo, at the Kunitachi Conservatory and in master classes. Chiba was also an artistic advisor to Yamaha and a regular soloist. He was an honorary member of the International Horn Society .


Individual evidence

  1. Extensive biography from the International Horn Society , accessed July 24, 2010