Cape Jeremy

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Cape Jeremy
C. Jeremy on the map
Geographical location
Cape Jeremy (Antarctic Peninsula)
Cape Jeremy
Coordinates 69 ° 24 ′  S , 68 ° 50 ′  W Coordinates: 69 ° 24 ′  S , 68 ° 50 ′  W
location Graham and Palmerland , Antarctic Peninsula
coast Fallières and Rymill coasts
Waters Marguerite Bay
Waters 2 George VI Sound

The Cape Jeremy is a chap , the northern entrance to the eastern side George-VI Sound and the western end of the boundary between the Graham Land and Palmer land on the Antarctic Peninsula marked. In addition, the cape represents the border point between the Rymill coast to the south and the Fallières coast to the north .

The cape was discovered by participants in the British Graham Land Expedition (1934-1937) led by the Australian polar explorer John Rymill , who named it after Jeremy Gino Scott (* 1934), the son of the expedition agent James Maurice Scott (1906-1986).

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