Karel Glastra van Loon

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Karel Glastra van Loon (born December 24, 1962 in Amsterdam , † July 1, 2005 in Hilversum ) was a Dutch writer and journalist .

Glastra van Loon was best known in Germany for his second novel, Lisa's Breath . His story Passion Fruit (De Passievrucht) has been translated into 31 languages ​​and published in 34 countries. This makes the book the most translated novel in Dutch literary history. Glastra van Loon was awarded the Generale Bank's literary prize for this . The novel was filmed in 2003 under the direction of Maarten Treurniet .

Glastra van Loon was a member of the Socialist Party of the Netherlands (SP). In collaboration with Jan Marijnis , the leader of the SP group in the Dutch parliament , a number of books were produced in which he dealt with social issues. He also worked as a columnist for the women's magazine Margriet .

In 2004 Glastra van Loon was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain, from the consequences of which he died on July 1, 2005 at the age of 42.

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