Karel Kosík

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Karel Kosík

Karel Kosík (born June 26, 1926 in Prague , † February 21, 2003 ibid) was a Czech Marxist philosopher and literary theorist.


During the Second World War he attended high school, where he joined the left resistance movement Předvoj . On November 17, 1944, he was arrested by the Gestapo and held in the Theresienstadt fortress . In 1945 he passed the Abitur in Prague and studied philosophy at the Charles University . From 1947 to 1949 he studied at the universities in Moscow and Leningrad .

In 1953 he took up the post of research assistant at the Philosophical Institute of the ČSAV , in 1968 he was appointed professor at the Philosophical Faculty in Prague. From 1968 to 1969 he was a member of the Central Committee of the KSČ , in 1970 he was expelled from the party. Until 1989 he was only allowed to work as a private lecturer, his publications were only allowed to be published abroad. Kosík was closely associated with the Yugoslav loose association of intellectuals, philosophers and Marxist social scientists practice group . He regularly attended their annual “summer school” meeting on the island of Korčula and was editor of the magazine Praxis .

In 1990 he returned to the university and held lectures until 1992. Then he worked in the philosophical institute.


Kosík was strongly influenced by the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Karl Marx and Martin Heidegger . He dealt mainly with practical philosophical problems and the crisis of modern society, the philosophy of Czech history, Czech history and the political views represented therein, as well as the culture of his home country.


In addition to numerous books and collections, he wrote articles that dealt with philosophical problems. In his early works he was an orthodox Marxist, in the 1960s he was one of the reform-minded intellectuals.


  • Čeští radikální democé, 1958
  • Dialectic of the concrete. A study on the problems of man and the world, 1970 (Dialektika Betonétního), 1963 (published worldwide)
  • La nostra crisi attuale, 1969 Rome
  • The dialectic of the concrete. A study on the problems of man and the world., Suhrkamp, ​​November 1967, 1982, 1997
  • Století Markéty Samsové, 1993
  • Jinoch a smrt, 1995 (German: "The youth and death", in: Czech philosophers in the 20th century , ed. By Ludger Hagedorn, Stuttgart: dva 2002, 349–416)
  • Předpotopní úvahy, 1997
  • Poslední eseje, 2005

A volume of Critique of Technical Reason , announced by Verlag Suhrkamp in 1973 and 1983 , never appeared.


  • JV Frič a Demokratické proudy v české politice a kultuře , 1956
  • Filosofie v dějinách českého národa , 1958
  • Místo a význam radikálních democů, 1958;
  • Morals and Society , Suhrkamp 1968
  • Třetí Mnichov? 1993
  • Úsměv a ústa, 1993
  • Rok 1968 a "konec dějin", 1994
  • Essay in: Jaroslav Hašek : The Urschwejk and other things from old Europe and the new Russia (Translated from the Czech by Grete Reiner. With an afterword by Hans Dieter Zimmermann). DVA, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-421-05231-X (published within the Czech Library, edited by Peter Demetz , Jiří Gruša , Peter Kosta, Eckhard Thiele and Hans Dieter Zimmermann).
  • Communication and justice. I. Justice only in a free world or already in postmodernism ?, Materialis 2001
  • Hermeneutics of the subject II. Self-reflexivity in Dussel's ethics, for a new exchange between Marxism, phenomenology and hermeneutics and against cynical reason, Materialis, 2002
  • Concordia - International Journal of Philosophy, paperback / language German, English, Spanish, 2003

Magazine articles

  • O sociálních kořenech a filosofické podstatě masarykismu, Filozofický časopis 1953
  • Třídy a reálná Struktura společnosti, Filozofický časopis 1958
  • Kafka a Hašek neboli groteskní svět, Kdo je člověk, Plamen 1963
  • Člověk a filosofie, Literární noviny 1963
  • Antinomie morálky, Plamen 1964
  • Individuum a dějiny, Plamen 1966
  • Krize moderního člověka a socialismu, Plamen 1968
  • Rozum a svědomí, Literární listy 1968
  • Naše nynější krize, Literární listy 1968
  • Iluze realismu, Literární listy 1969
  • Machiavelli a machiavellism, Plamen 1969
  • Co je střední Evropa, Obrana Karlova mostu, Literární noviny 1992
  • Třetí Mnichov? Listy 1992
  • Vítězství metody nad architektonikou, Prostor 1992
  • Demokracie a mýtus o jeskyni, Vlast Máchova, Listy 1993
  • Intelektuál v Praktické politice, Literární noviny 1993
  • Faust - stavitel, Tvar 1995
  • Přítomnost 1993
  • Salon, literature supplement by Právo 1997


  • Nová mysl, Micromega, Lettre, Die neue Gesellschaft Festschrift for his 50th birthday in 1976
  • J. Patočka: Česká filosofie a její soudobá fáze, in O smysl dneška, London 1987
  • Slovník zakázaných autorů, 1991
  • Fraška v naší jeskyni, Literární noviny 1992
  • P. Prouza: Lumpenburžoazie a vyšší duchovní pravda, literární příloha Práva, May 15, 1997

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