Karel van Ark

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Karel Karlovich van Ark ( Russian Карл Карлович Фан-Арк * August 28 . Jul / 9. September  1839 . Greg in St. Petersburg ; † August 24 . Jul / 6. September  1902 . Greg ) was a Dutch - Russian Pianist and music teacher .


Van Ark, son of the organist of the Dutch Reformed Church in St. Petersburg, studied piano with Theodor Leschetizky and composition with Nikolai Saremba . When the St. Petersburg Conservatory was founded in 1862 , he taught piano there, initially as Leschetitsky's assistant and from 1873 as a professor.

Van Ark composed pieces for piano and wrote a piano technique school. His students included Sergei Bortkiewicz , Artur Lemba , Evgeni Raphof and Nikolai Tscherepnin . Anna Jessipowa was only with Van Ark for a short time.

Van Ark was buried in St. Petersburg's Volkovo Lutheran Cemetery.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Riemann music lexicon : Ark van, Karel.
  2. Большой Энциклопедический словарь: Музыка. In: Большая Российская энциклопедия . 1998, p. 570 .
  3. Фан-Арк, К. К .: Школа фортепианной техники . St. Petersburg 1875.
  4. Volkovo Cemetery Plan (accessed June 12, 2017).