Karin Bohle-Lawrenz

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Karin Bohle-Lawrenz (born November 26, 1957 in Bremen ) is a German politician ( SPD , FDP ) and former member of the Bremen Parliament .


education and profession

Bohle-Lawrenz attended the Huckelriede grammar school in Bremen until 1978. After graduating from high school, she studied psychology and sociology at the Free University of Berlin from 1980 to 1983 and from 1983 biology and German , with a focus on German as a foreign language , at the University of Bremen and graduated with the state examinations in 1989 and 1995 respectively . From 1986 to 1999 she led various courses and classes at independent educational institutions . From 1999 to 2007 she was a teacher at a focal point school in Delmenhorst . Since 2011 she has been working again at a focus school in Bremen. She is married and has one grown son.


From 2007 to 2011, Bohle-Lawrenz was a member of the Bremen parliament as a member of the SPD Bremen . At first she was also a member of the Deputation for Education and spokeswoman for vocational education. She was also represented in the committees for port affairs, for federal and European affairs, international contacts and development cooperation, for science and research, for gender equality, in the operating committees GeoInformation and Umweltbetrieb Bremen, in the petitions and in the audit committees as well as in the deputations for economy and ports as well as for environment and energy.

In November 2014, Bohle-Lawrenz resigned from the SPD and switched to the FDP Bremen , for which she ran unsuccessfully for the 2015 general election in Bremen and for which she won a mandate on the advisory board of the Bremen district of Woltmershausen for the 2015 to 2019 legislative period.

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