Karl-Heinrich Jakob

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Karl-Heinrich Jakob (* 1924 in Bochum ; † November 20, 2012 ) was a German functionary in the mining industry. Most recently, he was General Manager of the Mining Trade Association.


Jakob attended school in Bochum-Harpen and Langendreer. In 1942 he passed the Abitur there. After the Second World War , he began studying mining at the Clausthal Mining Academy in 1946 , which he completed in 1951 with the summa cum laude diploma. During his studies he became a member of the Bergakademischer Verein, from which the Corps Montania was reconstituted in November 1950 .

After his legal traineeship, Jakob was appointed mountain assessor in 1954. In 1954 he started working as a driver and ascender at Bochumer Bergbau AG on the Friedlicher Nachbar mine . In the following year he switched to Hamborner Bergbau AG as an industrial engineer, where he also served as a technical assistant to the board. In 1957 he became operations director of Harpener Bergbau AG for the Dorstfeld-Oespel colliery group, which he took over as mine director in 1960. In 1962 he joined the Robert Müser colliery group at Harpener Bergbau AG. On June 1, 1966, Jakob was appointed managing director of the Ruhr Mining Association. The main focus of his work was collective bargaining and social policy. He also took over the management of the mining department at the Federal Commissioner for Coal Mining and its areas. From 1970 he was also the general manager of the General Association of Hard Coal . From 1981 he headed both associations as a managing board member and from 1983 as managing director of the mining association in Bonn. In 1990 he retired.

Karl-Heinrich Jakob was chairman of the Friends of the Clausthal Mining Academy for many years. In 1984 the Bergakademie awarded him honorary citizenship for his commitment.


  • Hans-Georg Riess: retired mountain assessor D. Karl-Heinrich Jakob . In: Corps 1/2013, p. 37