Karl Marx bookstore

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The Karl-Marx-Buchhandlung is a bookshop in Frankfurt - Bockenheim .


The bookstore emerged from the West German student movement in the 1960s and was founded as a book sales point for the New Critique publishing house . In November 1970, the Karl Marx bookstore was opened in Unterlindau 74. Joschka Fischer and the editor Barbara Brinkmann, chosen rather by chance from the environment of the New Criticism, were registered as shareholders of the GmbH , the notarial certification took place on February 5, 1971. Shortly afterwards, the bookstore moved to Jordanstrasse 11.

The bookstore initially supplied groups from the socialist German student union with political literature, acted in the Frankfurt Spontis environment and recruited new employees and the like. a. from the ranks of the revolutionary struggle or the former Marxist structural organization. In the collective work and in the 1970s. a. Daniel Cohn-Bendit , Tom Koenigs and Johnny Klinke ; Fischer worked for many years as a "limited partner" and founder of the antiquarian bookshop. After initial difficulties, the shop was professionally consolidated by the trained booksellers Antje and Pieter Zandee.

After the Hessian municipal elections in 1989, an arson attack was carried out on the bookstore. In 2001 the Marx & Co branch specializing in fiction was opened in the Westend together with the Frankfurt authors' bookstore . The Karl Marx bookstore is one of the city's university bookstores . For the 35th birthday in 2006, the old companions came together again in the bookstore and discussed with the Israeli historian Dan Diner . In 2013, the bookstore was named specialist bookstore of the year 2013 by the book market magazine .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Uwe Sonnenberg: Von Marx zum Maulwurf , Göttingen 2016, p. 195
  2. a b c d Jochanan Shelliem: Joschka, Dani and Dan , Deutschlandradio, February 6, 2006.
  3. Christian Y. Schmidt : "We are the madmen ...": Joschka Fischer and his Frankfurter gang . Econ, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-430-18006-6 , p. 106.
  4. Ticker , in: Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel , March 16, 1989, p. 2734.
  5. Alicia Lindhoff: Frankfurt-Westend: Good literature meets politics , Frankfurter Rundschau , January 22, 2015
  6. The winners of the BuchMarkt bookstore competition of the year 2013 have been determined , Buchmarkt (trade journal) , October 1, 2013