Karl Amon (theologian)

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Karl Amon (born March 13, 1924 in Bad Aussee ; † January 10, 2017 there ) was an Austrian Roman Catholic church historian .


He was badly wounded during an operation on the Eastern Front during World War II . During his stay in the hospital he began to study theology in February 1944 at the Philosophical-Theological Home School of the seminary in Graz and was ordained a priest on July 11, 1948 . The doctoral studies with the dissertation for Benedictine convent Traunkirchen was followed on 19 December 1953, the promotion of doctor of theology . This was also followed by a teacher training course and finally in 1959 the habilitation in church history. From 1960 to 1987 he taught church history as a full professor at the University of Graz . He wrote countless articles on church, piety and regional history as well as on liturgical questions.

As a member of the Historical Provincial Commission for Styria (HLK), he also suggested the source editions of visitation, ordination and consecration protocols. He was also significantly involved in the creation of the German missal and the hymn book Gotteslob . He held a teaching position for church music at what is now the University of Art in Graz and held the title of Honorary Prelate of His Holiness .

Fonts (selection)

  • History of the Benedictine monastery in Traunkirchen in the Salzkammergut . Graz 1949, OCLC 632580313 (also dissertation, Graz 1953).
  • Styria before the religious split. Church conditions 1490–1520. Delivery 1. Church division and constitution (= history of the diocese of Seckau . Volume 3.1). Styria, Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1960, OCLC 248858578 .
  • Renewed Mass. Why and how . Styria, Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1965, OCLC 69146193 .
  • as editor: The Bishops of Graz-Seckau 1218–1968 (= publications of the Styrian regional archive . Volume 7). Styria, Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1969, OCLC 602359513 .
  • as editor: Ecclesia peregrinans. Josef Lenzenweger on his 70th birthday. Association of Austrian Scientific Societies, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-85369-623-6 .
  • as editor with Maximilian Liebmann : Church history of Styria . Styria, Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-222-12183-4 .
  • as editor: The Salzburg archdeacon visitation from 1523–1525 in Styria (= sources on the historical regional studies of Styria . Volume 12). Historical Provincial Commission for Styria, Graz 1993, ISBN 3-901251-03-0 .
  • as editor: The holy Nonnosus von Molzbichl (= The Carinthian State Archives . Volume 27). Publication of the Carinthian State Archives, Klagenfurt 2001, ISBN 3-900531-49-8 .

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