Karl August Seidler

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Karl August Seidler (also: Carl August Seidler and Ferdinand August Seidler ) (born September 13, 1778 in Berlin ; † February 27, 1840 there ) was a German musician.


Karl August Seidler was accepted into the Prussian court orchestra of King Friedrich Wilhelm II as a ten-year-old child in 1788 , and after his confirmation he received a position as court musician there. As a violin player, he impressed with his intonation, soft tone, elegance and cleanliness of the performance. Other players in the royal chapel were Karl Friedrich Heinrich Haack and Carl Moeser .

After the death of Friedrich Wilhelm II, he made an art tour through Germany, Holland , France and Russia in 1797 , after which he stayed in Vienna from 1811 to 1816. In 1816 he was employed as first violinist in the royal court orchestra in Berlin and later became concertmaster alongside Carl Moeser .

A stroke led to his retirement in 1837.

In 1812 he married Karoline Seidler-Wranitzky , a daughter of the composer Anton Wranitzky, in Vienna . In the first years of their marriage, they traveled to various cities in Austria and southern Germany. Their daughter Marie (* unknown; † 1876) married the ophthalmologist Johann Christian Jüngken in 1834

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich August Schmidt, Bernhard Friedrich Voight: New Nekrolog der Deutschen ... BF Voigt, 1842 ( google.de [accessed on December 13, 2017]).
  2. ^ Seidler, Karl August: Biography. In: Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe - digital edition. Retrieved December 13, 2017 .
  3. ^ German biography: Jüngken, Johann Christian - German biography. Retrieved December 13, 2017 .