Karl August von Lichtenstein

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Karl August von Lichtenstein (born September 8, 1767 in Lahm, Bavaria , † September 10, 1845 in Berlin ) was a German opera singer, composer, librettist, translator and artistic director.

Live and act

Karl August Ludwig von Lichtenstein became the first artistic director of the Dessau court opera by Prince Leopold III in recognition of his engagement shown at the Dessau Palace Theater in 1798 . Friedrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau appointed. His lifelong distance from the increasingly bourgeois drama enabled the principal Friedrich Wilhelm Bossann , who was hired as “Hof Schauspiel Directeur” with his company in 1794, to receive an extended ducal appointment as “Duke” after von Lichtenstein's departure in 1807. Stop. Hof-Theaterdirecteur "under the formal directorship of a ducal" multi-official ": the chief court master Georg Heinrich von Berenhorst .

Freiherr von Lichtenstein was a sought-after translator of libretti. a. to the works of Daniel-François-Esprit Auber had made merit.

Two days after his 78th birthday, Baron von Lichtenstein died on September 10, 1845 in Berlin.

Works (selection)

  • Andreas Hofer. Opera . 1830 (based on Gioachino Rossini's Guillaume Tell )
  • Bathmendi. Great allegorical-comic opera . 1801 (3rd version)
  • The German gentlemen in Nuremberg. Great opera . 1834 (based on ETA Hoffmann's master Martin the Küfner and his journeymen )
  • Tight good, all good. Comic opera . 1800
  • Luck and chance. Comic opera . 1793
  • The glowing spirit. Opera
  • Imago, the daughter of discord. Opera . around 1813/14
  • The emperor as a carpenter or a woman. Great comic opera . 1814 (based on Jean Nicolas Bouilly )
  • Tribulation of a court banker. Comic opera . 1838
  • The forest castle. Great opera . 1811
  • Bang and Fall . 1795
  • The girl from abroad. Operetta . 1821
Singspiel or Vaudeville
  • Poor Molly. Vaudeville . 1826
  • The noble boys or at the good hour. Singspiel . 1823 (based on Nicolas Dezède )
  • The cock in the basket. Vaudeville . 1825
  • Compassion. Song game . 1800 (together with Georg Friedrich Treitschke )
  • Singethee and Liedertafel. comical singing game . 1825
  • The stone bride. Singspiel . 1799


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