Karl Eugen Gass

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Karl Eugen Gass (born March 21, 1912 in Kassel , † September 18, 1944 near Eindhoven in the Netherlands) was a young German novelist and writer who died in the war and a favorite student of Ernst Robert Curtius .

life and work

Gass received a scholarship from the Scuola Normale in Pisa and obtained his doctorate in 1938 under Ernst Robert Curtius in Bonn with the thesis Antoine de Rivarol (1753-1801) and the outcome of the French Enlightenment (Hagen 1938). Then he became a department assistant at the German Cultural Institute (Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) in Rome. He was killed in action.

Ernst Robert Curtius wrote to him on April 28, 1943: “You are the only one of my pupils who I believe will be understood and who might 'one day' take over my inheritance” (Hausmann 2008, p. 155).

Other works

  • The idea of ​​folk poetry and the philosophy of history of romanticism. (On the interpretation of the correspondence between the Brothers Grimm and Achim von Arnim), Vienna 1940
  • The Face of Italy, Essen 1943
  • Pisan diary. Records and letters. From the estate of an early completed man, ed. and with an afterword by Paul Egon Hübinger , Heidelberg 1961 (Italian: Diario Pisano 1937–1938, Pisa 1989)
  • (Translator with Rainer Maria Rilke and Friedhelm Kemp) Maurice de Guérin, Der Kentauer. The bacchante. Records from the years 1833–1835, ed. by Friedhelm Kemp, Frankfurt am Main 1964


  • Manfred Beller, Forms of Perceiving the Other in Search of Self. Karl Eugen Gaß and Rolf Dieter Brinkmann in Italy, in: Biography and Interculturality. Discourse and Life Practice, ed. by Rita Franceschini , Tübingen 2001.
  • Frank-Rutger Hausmann , master, student and master student. Ernst Robert Curtius (1886–1956) and Karl Eugen Gass (1912–1944), in: Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte (RZLG) 31, 2007, pp. 407–436.
  • Frank-Rutger Hausmann: "Devoured by the vortex of events". German Romance Studies in the “Third Reich”. 2nd Edition. Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 154–157, 205, 368, 477, 480, 751
  • Ernst Robert Curtius / Karl Eugen Gass, Carteggio e altri scritti, ed. by Stefano Chemelli and Mauro Buffa, Lavis 2009.

Web links