Karl mistake

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Memorial stone in Frankfurt, Tevestrasse 43

Karl Fehler (born March 24, 1905 in Frankfurt am Main , † December 19, 1941 in Oranienburg ) was a German communist and resistance fighter against National Socialism .

Fehler was a woodworker and initially a member of the SAJ , in 1921 in the KJD , from 1925 in the KPD . There he became a full-time functionary of BL Hessen-Frankfurt . When he was elected to the Frankfurt city council on March 12, 1933 , he was head of the Hesse-Frankfurt AM apparatus and then coordinated the illegal work for south-west Germany. He worked closely with Karl Jakobi .

Fehler was arrested on May 1, 1934, and sentenced to five years in prison on August 10, 1934 by the Kassel Higher Regional Court. In 1939 he was released from the Kassel-Wehlheiden prison. He was arrested again on June 23, 1941 and taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp , where he was murdered on December 19, 1941.

Karl Fehler Frau Anna was also active in the resistance. She fled to Paris and in September 1935 to the Soviet Union. During the Great Terror , she was imprisoned by the NKVD . She was imprisoned in the camp until 1947, in 1955 she was able to travel to the GDR and died in 1959.
