Christian Friedrich Deiker

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Christian Friedrich Deiker (born March 18, 1792 in Hanau , † May 14, 1843 in Wetzlar ) was a German drawing teacher , miniature and portrait painter .


Deiker began his training in 1807 at the state drawing school in Hanau with Conrad Westermayr . In 1810 he began studying at the Kassel Art Academy , where he had lessons from Andreas Range , Johann Christian Ruhl and Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Robert . In 1813/14 study trips to Berlin and Stettin took place, in the following year a trip via Hamburg, Lübeck to Riga and back via Memel, Königsberg and Danzig to Stettin. From 1818 to 1821 he was court painter to Landgrave Friedrich V von Hessen-Homburg . His son was one of his studentsJohannes Christian , probably also the younger son Carl Friedrich . In 1827 he stayed in Paris and in 1833 in Manchester as a portrait painter .
