Johannes Deiker

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Self-portrait , around 1845

Johannes Christian Deiker (born May 27, 1822 in Wetzlar , † May 23, 1895 in Düsseldorf ) was a German painter . The artist, who worked as a court painter in Braunfels for a few years , is mainly known for his animal and hunting motifs.


Johannes Deiker was born as the son of the drawing teacher Friedrich Deiker in Wetzlar in 1822. The father taught him at the Wetzlar high school and also gave his son private drawing lessons . After finishing school in 1839/40 he attended the state drawing academy in Hanau . In 1841 he switched to the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main , where he received lessons in portrait and history painting from Jakob Becker . After his father's death in 1843, he broke off his studies at the Städelschule and went back to Wetzlar. Here he took over his father's position as a drawing teacher at the grammar school. His younger brother Carl Friedrich Deiker , who was born in 1836 and was later also successful as an animal painter, was one of his students .

An offer from Professor Johann Wilhelm Schirmer to continue his studies at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf , Deiker had to refuse due to the financial hardship of his family. Instead, he and the family accepted an invitation from Prince Ferdinand von Solms-Braunfels to Braunfels . Here his father had already made some portraits of the princely family and created a resurrection of Christ for the castle church there .

As the court painter of the prince, who himself was an amateur painter of animals, he created portraits (portrait of Prince Ferdinand von Solms-Braunfels , Ferdinand Prince von Solms-Braunfels as a hunter ) and landscapes ( view of Braunfels Castle ), above all animal portraits and hunting paintings. During this time, Deiker preferred to paint paintings with wild boars, stags, deer, foxes, hares and hunting dogs, but also poultry motifs such as wild ducks. His finely painted and detailed reproduction of the animal motifs brought him increasing success. After participating in an exhibition in Düsseldorf, in 1845 he sent the monumental painting Wild Boar Rotting to an exhibition in Hanover , which King Ernst August I immediately acquired. At the Munich General German Art Exhibition in 1854 he showed his painting Rotte Wildschweine, which was critically acclaimed . His increasing popularity led to increasing interest in his work, especially his hunting motifs were popular in aristocratic circles and he managed to sell some works abroad.

Deiker, who was interested in Dutch painters like Rembrandt , traveled to Antwerp in 1850/51 to study . Here he visited the successful genre painter Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans in his studio to study his techniques. In 1868 he settled in Düsseldorf, where his brother Carl Friedrich was already living. He joined the local artists' association Malkasten in 1871 and belonged to it until his death. In the years that followed, he successfully sent his animal and hunting motifs, which, in contrast to his brother's works, appear less dramatic and therefore more natural, to exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Dresden, Berlin and Munich.

Johannes Deiker died in Düsseldorf in 1895. His son Hans Deiker (1876–1945) also worked as a painter. In 1902 he published a portfolio with 36 study sheets by Johannes Deiker. Adolph Menzel then referred to Johannes Deiker as the "Hans Holbein and Van Dyck of the animals".

Works (selection)

His fiancée
Marie Sartorius (1841–1871)
portrait around 1863
  • Self-portrait as a twelve- or thirteen-year-old , 1832/33, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Prince Ferdinand von Solms-Braunfels , 1845, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Self-portrait , around 1845, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Portrait study of a boy , 1850, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Portrait study of an old Dutch woman , 1850, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Portrait of the father-in-law Sartorius , 1855, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Old oak (study) , around 1860, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Forest with stream bed , around 1860, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Large deer pack , 1862, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • View of Braunfels Castle , around 1866, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Taunus landscape , around 1866, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Fighting fallow deer , 1869, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Young foxes playing in front of the building , 1870, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Two young rabbits , 1870, Municipal Collections, Wetzlar
  • Hunting dog retrieves a hare , 1873, Hamburger Kunsthalle , Hamburg
  • The faithful Feldmann , around 1880/90, National Museum, Posen
  • Dog on the hunt , Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud , Cologne
  • Portrait of Marie Sartorius , Siegerland Museum , Siegen
  • Fighting boars , Von der Heydt Museum , Wuppertal


Web links

Commons : Johannes Deiker  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hartmut Schmidt: Johannes (1822-1895) and Carl Friedrich (1836-1892) Deiker. P. 21.
  2. ^ Marie Sartorius , website in the portal , accessed on January 15, 2016.