Karl Friedrich August Witt

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Karl Friedrich August Witt (born January 1, 1832 in Berlin , † April 6, 1910 in Dresden ) was a German pharmacist and benefactor in Prenzlau .


Carl Friedrich August Witt was born on January 1, 1832 in Berlin and baptized on February 12, 1832 in the Evangelical Church of Berlin Friedrich-Werder (center). He generally heard the nickname August.

Witt's father, Carl Eduard Witt (born January 28, 1802; † May 6, 18 ??) was a materialist and lived in Berlin Mitte in Kronenstrasse from 1829. 24, in the years 1830/31 in the Markgrafenstr. 60, 1832 at Holzgartenstrasse 7 and 1833 Langegasse 53. Witt's mother was Albertine Froede (born September 3, 1795, † March 17, 1874). He had a brother - Albert Wilhelm Theodor Witt (* May 29, 1833; † January 28, 1873), who was baptized on June 23, 1833 at St. Georgen in Berlin - and a sister - Anna Witt (* March 14, 18 ??; † July 21, 1875).

The "Green Pharmacy" in Prenzlau was in his possession from July 15, 1857 to July 31, 1880, he was the holder of the pharmacy privilege and property owner.

In the cholera year of 1866 he produced seltzer water and saved the lives of thousands of people in Prenzlau, thereby laying the foundation for his fortune. He donated the Cape Complexes and the Cape House, a public library in Roßstrasse No. 271, the monuments of Kaiser Wilhelm I (1898), Bismarck and Moltke (1899), Martin Luther (1903), Friedrich the Great (1906) to the city of Prenzlau. and Emperor Friedrich III. (1906). In 1909 he donated an electrical lighting system in the Marienkirche and in the grammar school the auditorium with an organ and the people's cinema.

In 1899, Wittstrasse in Prenzlau was named after him.

Witt had lived in Dresden since 1880 and died there on April 6, 1910. After his death, he was transferred to Prenzlau and buried in the cemetery, where a hereditary burial was built for him as an honorary citizen of the city. He left his fortune to the city of Prenzlau, including his villa in Dresden.


  • Hinrichs, Alfred: From the cultural life of the city of Prenzlau until 1945. , typed records, 1961
  • Friedrich Ucker: "Prenzlauer Pharmacies from the Middle Ages to 1945", in Central German Family Studies, Volume III. Volume 13 Issue 3 July – September 1972, p. 346
  • "Address book Berlin for the years 1829 - 1874"
  • "Church book of the Protestant Church Berlin Friedrich-Werder 1806-1876"
  • "Church book of the Protestant Church of St. Georgen 1827-1838 (Berlin)"

Individual evidence

  1. on prenzlau-smb.de