Karl Friedrich Euler

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Karl Friedrich Euler (born June 4, 1909 in Liedolsheim ; † December 15, 1986 ) was a German theologian and university professor during the National Socialist era .


Euler studied Protestant theology and received his doctorate on a subject in the Old Testament . Already in his student days he approached the National Socialist worldview and joined the SA . In 1936 he became a lecturer in Old Testament and Oriental Studies at the University of Giessen . He became a member of the National Socialist German Lecturer Association and joined the NSDAP in 1937 . In 1939, Euler declared that he was working at the Institute for Research into and Elimination of Jewish Influence on German Church Life . In 1940, because of his knowledge of the Hebrew language , he took over a job at the international post office in Berlin . To research the “ Jewish question ” in the Generalgouvernement , he submitted a travel application there in May 1941. After his discharge from academic service in 1946, he worked as a pastor at the Giessen University Hospital between 1949 and 1967. Until the end of his life he was an active member of the Upper Hesse History Association, where he presented research on medieval architecture.


His anti-Semitic phobias can be seen in declarations like this one from October 1942: “Where Judaism is leaving today to subjugate the world, there is home. Not the ancient Orient, the home of the Hebrews; not Palestine, the former homeland of the Israelites and Judeans - the homeland of Judaism is the ghetto ”.


  • The Annunciation of the Suffering Servant of God, W. Kohlhammer 1934
  • The race history of the Near East and the science of the Old Testament, in: Walter Grundmann (Hg.): Germanentum, Christianentum und Judentum. Studies to Research Their Mutual Relationship, Vol. 2: Session reports of the second workshop of the Institute for Research into the Jewish Influence on German Church Life from 3rd to 5th March 1941 in Eisenach, Leipzig 1942, pp. 229-272
  • Date of death, place of death and burial place of Countess Clementia, in: MittOberhessGV NF 59, 1974, pp. 167–179
  • New studies on the foundation of the church on the Schiffenberg, in: MittOberhessGV NF 62, 1977, pp. 41–56
  • Hartmann von Homberg, Provost on the Schiffenberg, in: MittOberhessGV NF 63, 1978, pp. 17-19
  • The political significance of the consecration of the Schiffenberg Church (1129), in: MittOberhessGV NF 64, 1979, pp. 29-48
  • An ignored provost and an ignored seal of the Schiffenberg, in: MittOberhessGV NF 68, 1983, pp. 127-138
  • The house on the mountain. The history of the Augustinian Canons Schiffenberg (1129–1323), Sonderbd. d. Oberhess. History Association, Giessen 1984
  • The Giessen local mountain: Essays on the prehistory and history of the Augustinian canons Schiffenberg, Gießen 1985 ISBN 3-922272-14-2
  • The hospital for "Hl. Spirit and St. Elisabeth" in Giessen, in: MittOberhessGV NF 73, 1988, pp. 1-52
  • The history of the Giessener Leper Hospital, in: MittOberhessGV NF 73, 1988, pp. 53-62

As a co-author

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Weise: Commitment to an "Aryan Church". How two scientists from Giessen wanted to "free" Christianity from all Jewish influences , in: Giessener Anzeiger , June 19, 2020, p. 19.
  2. ^ Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Frankfurt / Main 2003, p. 141.