Karl Friedrich Häberlin

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Karl Friedrich Haeberlin.jpg

Karl Friedrich Häberlin , also Carl Friedrich Haeberlin , (* August 5, 1756 in Helmstedt ; † August 16, 1808 ibid) was a Braunschweig diplomat, lawyer and university professor in Erlangen and at the University of Helmstedt .


The second son of the historian Franz Dominikus Häberlin studied law in Helmstedt and received his doctorate in 1778. After a short stay in Wetzlar, he was appointed judiciary in Wolfenbüttel in 1779. In 1782 he became a professor in Erlangen and gave lectures on German constitutional law. Four years later he moved to the University of Helmstedt as a Brandenburg court advisor. In 1798/99 he took part in the Rastatt Congress on behalf of the Stolberg family . After his return he was appointed secret councilor and in 1806 provost of the Marienberg monastery . After the establishment of the Kingdom of Westphalia in 1807, he became a member of the imperial estates and the legislative commission. Soon after, however, he fell ill and had to resign from office. Häberlin died on August 16, 1808.

Activity as a publicist

Häberlin was considered an important publicist of the second half of the 18th century through his writings in which he drew attention to abuses in the German state. He became known for his defenses for the dismissed Hanoverian court judge Friedrich Ludwig Freiherr von Berlepsch in 1799. In the following year he published an extensive defense for the local nobleman Moritz von Brabeck . He has also worked for several magazines, including the “ Helmstedter learned newspaper ”, the “ Erlanger new legal magazine ” and the “ German monthly ”. As an author, he contributed the third and fourth volumes (L − R) to the " Repertory of German State and Fief Rights ". Other important works are “ Pragmatic history of the newest kaiserl. Election capitulations and that of kaiserl. Majesty issued churfürstl. Collegial letter ”(1792),“ Pragmatic history of the electoral capitulation of Emperor Franz II. ”(1793),“ Handbook of German constitutional law according to the system of the councilor v. Pütter on the charitable use of the educated estates ”(1794–97) and“ German State Archives ”(1796–1807).


Individual evidence

  1. About the crime of the offended Majesty, accused of Baron Moriz von Brabeck. Braunschweig 1800 ( digitized version )