Karl Hartman

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Kart Hartman (* 1949 or 1950 ; † February 25, 1999 ), also Karl Hartmann , was a Nauruan long-distance runner .

life and career

Hartman holds with a time of 3:48:06 hours the currently valid Nauruan national record in the marathon , set up in 1968 on home soil. At the South Pacific Games in Port Moresby in 1969 , he was registered for the 10,000 meter run on August 14, but did not take part in this. Hartman finished the marathon on August 20 in 3: 55: 22.6 hours in seventh place as the last finisher out of twelve runners who had started. Hartman was Eamwit and came from Boe District ; he was married to Aureana Eidogoga Scotty since June 1977 and had a son in September 1977. Hartman died in 1999 at the age of 49.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Republic of Nauru Government Gazette , GNNo. 49/1999 ( online ), p. 5.
  2. This is how they performed in Moresby. In: Pacific Islands Monthly , September 1969 issue, p. 29.
  3. Mark Butler (Ed.): IAAF Statistics Book - IAAF World Athletics Championships Doha 2019. Monaco 2019, p. 628 ( online )
  4. ^ South Pacific Games Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 1969. In: athletics-oceania.com , accessed October 18, 2019, p. 6.
  5. ^ Republic of Nauru Government Gazette , GNNo. 389/1977 ( online ), p. 2.
  6. ^ Republic of Nauru Government Gazette , GNNo. 454/1977 ( online ), p. 2.