Karl Heinrich Gottfried Witte

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Karl Heinrich Gottfried Witte (born October 8, 1767 in Pritzwalk , † August 1, 1845 in Berlin ) was a German educator and writer .

Originally a Protestant pastor, from 1800 onwards Witte was primarily concerned with the education of his gifted son Johann Heinrich Friedrich Karl Witte (1800-1883). In his book "Karl Witte or Erziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte des same" (2 volumes, 1819) he described his upbringing to be a child prodigy. This book received mainly criticism in Germany and was soon forgotten.

In China , however, the book became a bestseller in the early 21st century. Millions of Chinese there have since hoped that their children will become geniuses with the help of Witte's book. The name "Karl Witte" is often retranslated from the Chinese with "Carl Weter".


Individual evidence

  1. http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/misc/2003/02/200302280225.shtml

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