Karl Hobmair

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Karl Hobmair (born September 21, 1911 in Freising ; † February 20, 2003 ibid) was a pastor in Oberhaching for 44 years and was involved as a local researcher.


Karl Hobmair had ten siblings. His father died four years after he was born. He attended elementary school and the cathedral high school in Freising . After graduating from high school, he began to study in the Freising seminary. He was a member of the Agilolfia fraternity. He was ordained a priest on May 2, 1937 in Freising Cathedral .

After two short assignments in other parishes, he became a cooperator on November 1, 1937 and pastor of the parish of St. Stephan in Oberhaching on December 1, 1952 . He fell seriously ill in the autumn of 1979, retired in 1981 and then worked as a commorant (clergyman, without exercising pastoral care) in the Freising parish of St. Georg (city parish church) . In 1997 he celebrated his 60th anniversary as a priest in his former parish St. Stephan.


On May 12, 1981, Hobmair received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz) for his local history work.

He was an honorary citizen of the Oberhaching community and the Pfarrer-Hobmair-Weg (between S-Bahn and Forst) is named after him.


  • Twelve hundred years of Oberhaching . Oberhaching 1949.
  • Hachinger Heimatbuch. Oberhaching 1979.
  • Register for the Hachinger Heimatbuch. Oberhaching 1983.


  1. ^ Dom-Spiegel (newsletter of the Friends of the Dom-Gymnasium Freising eV): Archived copy ( memento from October 19, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b Hachinger Heimatbuch , Oberhaching 1979, page 150
  3. Death picture of the funeral service St. Georg, Freising
  4. Oberhaching community ( Memento from September 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ↑ Office of the Federal President - Ordenskanzlei - reference number Z5 - 032 05-234-581 / 2006