Karl Ludwig Kannegiesser

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Karl Ludwig Kannegießer (born May 9, 1781 in Wendemark (Altmärkische Wische) , † September 14, 1861 in Berlin ) was a German high school director, writer , translator , Romance studies and English studies .


Kannegiesser studied from 1802 to 1806 at the University of Halle , was from 1807 a high school teacher in Berlin, was in 1822 headmaster at the Protestant Frederick High School in Wroclaw, located in 1823 habilitated at the local university with the grammatical writing De verbis impersonalibus (Wroclaw 1923) and was a lecturer in newer literatures. He has published plays and poems, as well as numerous translations, a. a. by Horaz, Byron, Chaucer, Walter Scott, Mickiewicz, Leopardi and Silvio Pellico. His greatest achievement is the first translation into rhyming verse of Dante's Divine Comedy (1809–1821), the second edition of which benefited from advice from Karl Witte in 1825 (further editions in 1832, 1843 and 1872). Together with Karl Witte, he published the first complete translation of Dante's lyrical poems in 1826 (2nd edition 1842). In 1845 he also presented Dante's prose writings and letters in translation.

From 1843 until his death, Kannegießer lived as a private person in Berlin.

Other works

  • Poems , Breslau 1824
  • Italian grammar with reader , Breslau 1836, 2nd edition with a history of Italian literature, Leipzig 1845
  • Outline of the history of philosophy , Leipzig 1837
  • Outline of the history of German literature , Bunzlau 1838
  • Terzinen , Breslau 1842
  • Poems of the troubadours in the meter of the original , Tübingen 1852, 2nd edition 1855


Web links

Wikisource: Karl Ludwig Kannegießer  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Sachs: 'Prince Bishop and Vagabond'. The story of a friendship between the Prince-Bishop of Breslau Heinrich Förster (1799–1881) and the writer and actor Karl von Holtei (1798–1880). Edited textually based on the original Holteis manuscript. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 35, 2016 (2018), pp. 223–291, here: p. 279.