Karl Nägele (lawyer)

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Karl Hieronymus Nägele (born January 15, 1911 in Heilbronn , † September 26, 1979 in Heidelberg ) was a German lawyer . From 1948 to 1976 he was the first mayor of Heilbronn.


Nägele studied law and economics and did his doctorate at the University of Tübingen on the subject of court constitution and legal proceedings in the imperial city of Heilbronn. Since his studies he was a member of the Catholic student union K.St.V. Rechberg Tubingen. Military service interrupted his professional career. On November 1, 1948, he began his local political activities. The municipal council of the city of Heilbronn elected him as the first full-time deputy to the mayor and head of the legal office. He soon took over the building department and was particularly concerned with the relocation of the old town, which was important for the city. In the reconstruction phase of the city, which was badly destroyed in World War II, he played a key role in shaping the new Heilbronn. In 1954 he was re-elected as Deputy Mayor (since December 22, 1956 with the title of First Mayor). A second unanimous re-election by the local council took place in 1964. In 1967, Nägele lost to Hans Hoffmann (SPD) in the second ballot in the mayoral election. In 1968 he became a member of the CDU . When he reached the age limit, he left office in 1976.

voluntary work

On May 9, 1953, Nägele and Franziska Schmidt founded the Heilbronner Kreisverband der Europa-Union Deutschland and became its first chairman. He gave up the chairmanship of the district association in 1968.


In addition to the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon, which was awarded to him on September 6, 1976, Nägele received the Heilbronn Ring of Honor on February 12, 1976 in recognition of his services to the reconstruction of the war-torn city of Heilbronn and its further development . The Karl-Nägele-Brücke in Heilbronn has been named after him since 2005 . For his services to the Heilbronn European Union, he was made an honorary member of the Heilbronn European Union in 1969.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heilbronn City Archives, HEUSS database , signature ZS-10295
  2. Honorary members of the Heilbronn district association. Retrieved October 20, 2019 .
