Karl Schwerzek

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Monument to Anastasius Grün, 1891 (Vienna, Schillerpark)
Monument to Nikolaus Lenau, 1891 (Vienna, Schillerpark)
Detail from the Lenau monument

Karl Schwerzek (born October 16, 1848 in Friedek , Silesia , † November 13, 1918 in Vienna ) was an Austrian sculptor of historicism .


Karl Schwerzek, originally from Silesia , studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts . He became a member of the Künstlerhaus in 1881 .

Schwerzek was buried in the Baumgartner Friedhof (group 25, number 377).


Stylistically, Karl Schwerzek belonged to historicism . In the course of expanding Vienna's Ringstrasse , he created statues for some magnificent buildings.


  • Statue of Duke Rudolf IV, 1885 (Vienna, University )
  • Statue Hera , 1887 (Vienna, Parliament )
  • Monument to Anastasius Grün , 1891 (Vienna, Schillerplatz )
  • Monument to Nikolaus Lenau , 1891 (Vienna, Schillerplatz)
  • Statue Herodotus , 1898 (Vienna, Parliament)
  • Figures Plato, Aristotle, Moses, Petrus (Vienna, University)
  • Figures Demosthenes, Cicero, Daphnis, Leonidas, Themistocles (Vienna, Parliament)
  • Works in Troppau and Teschen


Web links

Commons : Karl Schwerzek  - Collection of images, videos and audio files