Karl Theodor Geilenkirchen

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Karl Theodor Geilenkirchen (born June 6, 1877 in Eschweiler ; † September 28, 1954 ) was a German ironworker.


The son of the mine director Peter Geilenkirchen and Maria geb. Flaam, attended the Realgymnasium in Aachen. He then studied metallurgy from 1895 at RWTH Aachen University and became a member of the Academic Association of Chemists, Miners and Metallurgists , later the Corps Montania. In the years 1899 and 1900 he served as a one-year volunteer with the Railway Regiment 2 in Berlin . After graduating in January 1900, he began his professional career in October 1900 at Tümmler, Stammschulte & Co. in Schwientochlowitz. From 1901 to 1907 he worked for the Hörder Bergwerks- und Hütten-Verein of Phoenix AG for mining and smelting operations. In 1904 he became Dr.-Ing. PhD. In 1907 he moved to Elektrostahl GmbH in Remscheid - Hasten as chief engineer and later director , which had operated the world's first electric steelworks since 1906 . In 1926 he became general manager of the Association of German Iron Foundries in Düsseldorf.

From 1914 Geilenkirchen was editor of the magazine Die Gießerei , the organ of the Association of German Iron Foundries . He has written numerous articles on electric steel production and foundries that have been published in various technical journals. During the First World War , as captain of the reserve, he was the leader of a railway construction company and various railway construction departments. In terms of awards, he received the Landwehr service award II. And I. Class and, among other war awards, the Iron Cross II and I. Class. After the end of the war he resigned as a major. He was married to Margarethe Koenig from Essen, with whom he had four children.


  • Use of cold-blown pig iron for the production of fluids , 1904
  • Main features of the iron and steel industry , 1911
  • The iron and steel works Meier & Weichelt Leipzig-Lindenau 1874-1924 , 1924 (together with Ernst Schultze)
  • Foundry Calendar 1954 (Editor)


  • Geilenkirchen, Karl, Theodor. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 1: A-K. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1930, DNB 453960286 , p. 529.
  • Geilenkirchen, Karl Theodor. In: Georg Wenzel: German business leader . Life courses of German business personalities. A reference book on 13,000 business figures of our time. Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg / Berlin / Leipzig 1929, DNB 948663294 , Sp. 706–707.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Ludwig Neher: The Corps Montania zu Aachen, 1872-1957 , 1957, p. 119