Karl Trapp

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Karl Johann Andreas Trapp (born July 21, 1833 in Hamburg ; † December 22, 1895 there ) was a German opera singer ( bass ).


At the age of 24 Trapp made his debut at the Cologne Opera in the 1857/58 season . The following year he was engaged at the Kraków City Theater . This was followed by a guest tour that took him to the German Theater in Riga , the Graz Opera and the Hoftheater Stuttgart .

Between 1860 and 1866 Trapp was a member of the ensemble at the Darmstadt Court Theater . In 1861 he played Mephistopheles there in the German premiere of Charles François Gounod's opera Faust .

After a protracted illness, Trapp was no longer vocal able to sing on stage. That is why he settled in his hometown and worked there as a singing teacher.

Roles (selection)
