Karl von Sande

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Karl von Sande (born September 24, 1877 in Königssteele ; † March 15, 1951 ) was a German veterinarian and bacteriologist.


Born as the son of a Hanover factory owner, Karl von Sande studied at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover from the summer semester of 1895 . He became a member of the Corps Normannia Hannover . In 1900 he received his veterinary license in Berlin . After a short internship at the Berlin slaughterhouse, he became an assistant at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Berlin and an assistant at the Rotlauf vaccination facility in Prenzlau . In 1902 he became head of the Pharmaceutical Institute LW Gans in Frankfurt am Main and from 1912 in Oberursel . In the First World War, awarded the Cross of Merit for war aid, he joined in March 1919 as Head of the Bacteriological and serum Institut Dr. Schreiber GmbH in Landsberg an der Warthe , whose director he became in 1940. After the Second World War he was a veterinarian at the Rostock Animal Disease Office .


  • Intrauterine Infections , 1922


  • Fritz Riggert, Otto Gervesmann: History of the Corps Normannia Hanover, 1859, March 15, 1959, 1959, pp. 124–125.

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  1. The Bacteriological and Serum Institute in Landsberg / Warthe was one of the leading institutions in Germany for the production of animal vaccine serums and, since 1911, has been part of the German Veterinary Association (WDT), a leading company in the German veterinary pharmaceutical market.