Catholic theological seminar at the Philipps University of Marburg

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Seat of the Catholic Theological Seminary in Marburg, Deutschhausstraße 24

The Catholic Theological Seminar at the University of Marburg is an academic institution of the Faculty of Theology Fulda at the site Marburg . It primarily serves to train future Catholic religious teachers with the first state examination for teaching at grammar schools , as the subject of Catholic theology itself is not represented at Marburg University .


Since 1948 professors from the Philosophical-Theological University of Fulda, now the Faculty of Theology, have given lectures in Marburg. However, the seminar as an institution did not come into being until 1963 through an exchange of letters between the then Hessian Minister of Education, Ernst Schütte and Bishop Adolf Bolte from Fulda . Since then, there has been a close cooperation with the Philipps University, which was confirmed by a cooperation agreement in 2016. Before the Institute for Catholic Theology was established with a corresponding range of courses at the University of Kassel , which was only founded in 1971, the Marburg seminar was the only institution in the diocese of Fulda where high school teachers were trained for Catholic religious instruction.

In 2015, Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen incorporated the seminar of the Fulda Theological Faculty, which has since been directly supported by the diocese, which now has a Marburg campus. Gerhard Matern and Harald Wagner were the leaders of the seminar for many years , from 2012 to 2017 it was led by the moral theologian Rupert M. Scheule , and Cornelius Roth has headed the facility since 2018 . Currently (2016) there are around 60 students enrolled in the seminar.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Course offerings of the seminar
  2. ^ Theological faculty Fulda and University of Marburg sign cooperation agreement . ( [accessed October 31, 2016]).
  3. ^ Faculty of Theology | Fulda. Retrieved August 13, 2018 .
  4. ^ Ullmer: Homepage - Philipps University of Marburg - Catholic Theological Seminar. In: Retrieved October 31, 2016 .