Katria katria

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Katria katria
Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Ptychochrominae
Genre : Katria
Type : Katria katria
Scientific name of the  genus
Stiassny & Sparks , 2006
Scientific name of the  species
Katria katria
( Reinthal & Stiassny, 1997)

Katria katria ( Syn . : Ptychochromis katria ) is a species of cichlid that is endemic to the Nosivolo River in eastern Madagascar . In this fast-flowing mountain river with a stony ground, the species inhabits regions with calmer water.


Katria katria is a maximum of 12.5 cm (females) or 15 cm (males) long and has a moderately high-backed body with an iridescent brownish to yellowish-gold basic color and two conspicuous, vertical black stripes on the sides of the body. In addition to the coloration, further diagnostic features of the species and genus include an increased number of vertebrae compared to ptychochromis (29 to 30 vs. 26 to 28), a slender tail stalk, the lack of a pair of anterior swim bladder chamber that extends to the neurocranium, a reduced number of Gill rake on the lower section of the first gill arch (8 to 9 vs. 8 to 12 in other Ptychochrominae). Katria differs from Ptychochromoides by having two rows of teeth (vs. one).


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