Katsura Funakoshi

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Katsura Funakoshi ( Japanese 舟 越 桂 Funakoshi Katsura , * 1951 in Morioka ) is a contemporary Japanese sculptor and graphic artist .


Katsura Funakoshi in 1951 in Morioka (Japan), the son of the sculptor Yasutake Funakoshi was born and learned from this the sculpture . From 1971 to 1975 he studied at the University of Art and Design, then from 1975 to 1977 at the National University of Fine Arts and Music in Tokyo. After living in Europe, he lives and works in Tokyo .


In his artistic work, Funakoshi deals with the representation of people. His half-figures are laid out between abstraction and realistic attention to detail. They have highly polished marble eyes , while the collarbone, for example, is only indicated by a sharp edge and other parts of the same sculpture clearly show the trace of the carving iron. A striking feature of Funakoshi's sculptures is the alienation, especially through anatomically inappropriately attached limbs .


Participation in important international exhibitions

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