Cavalcade Painter

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Horseman cavalcade on a dinosaur in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (12.229.9), around 590-570 BC. Chr.

The Cavalcade Painter was a provisional names designated ancient Greek vase painter who works in its Corinthian - black-style decorated. He worked during the Middle Corinthian phase of the style (around 600 to 575 BC), his works are believed to be around 580 BC. Dated.

The cavalcade painter is considered to be one of the most important and best Corinthian vase painters of his time. He was the main master of the Gorgoneion group . He mainly decorated bowls and craters . His favorite subjects, which were found on almost all the outside of the bowls, were the eponymous equestrian friezes, as well as battle scenes and animal friezes. As usual with the group, the inside of the bowls was usually painted with a gorgon head . Once he shows the suicide of Ajax on a vase with rich name inscriptions. The cavalcade painter also shows equestrian friezes, fights, wagon trains and animal friezes on the craters. Here his most important work shows a wedding couple driving in a carriage. This work belongs to the period of change in late Corinthian vase painting. Nine works by the artist are known, secured sites are Aegina and Kameiros .



  1. Antikenmuseum Basel , BS 1404; Pictures of the vase .