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legal form Corporation
founding October 21, 2003
Seat Nur-Sultan , Kazakhstan
management Kisatow Jermek Anuarbekowitsch ( Chairman of the Supervisory Board )
sales 41.6 billion tenge (2008)
Branch Transport and logistics
Website www.kazcargo.kz

Kaztemirtrans (KTT) ( Kazakh Қазтеміртранс ) is a railway company in the rail freight in Kazakhstan based in only Sultan . It is a subsidiary of the Kazakh State Railway Company Temir Scholy, Kazakhstan .


The company was founded on October 21, 2003. In December 2004, goods transport began on the Zhaman-Aschy-Zhanaaul and Sarykum-Zhanaaul railway lines. In May 2005, six more routes were added (Zhaman-Aschy-Zhanaaul, Sarykum-Zhanaaul, Karazhal-Karaganozek, Karazhal-Zhanaaul, Enbekshilder-Zhanaaul and Suuk-Bulak-Zhana-Semei).

In May 2006 Kaztemirtrans opened an agency in the Chinese city ​​of Ürümqi, and in January 2007 another agency followed in the Russian capital Moscow .

At the end of March 2010, Kaztemirtrans received a loan of US $ 50 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the renewal of wagons and locomotives .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CBonds: Moody's places KTZ's and Kaztemirtrans' ratings on review for possible downgrade
  2. Finchannel.com: EBRD loan supports further reform in Kazakhstan's rail sector ( Memento of July 9, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ) (English)