Keiko Sei

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Keiko Sei is a writer , curator , educator and, as a media activist, an independent media advocate. She promotes creative activism through various artistic projects, research projects, writings, training directors, visiting professorships, and workshops and holds lectures and seminars at educational institutes around the world.


She began her film training in Burma (Myanmar). In the early 1980s, Keiko Sei worked as a video curator in Japan and ran an organization for video art and independent video. In 1988 she moved to Eastern Europe to work in areas subject to political repression , including a. the communist blog scene, to explore. She worked with independent media activists, journalists and artists who contributed to change in Eastern Europe and then continued her work in the former Yugoslavia , other regions in Central Asia and the Caucasus . She has been based in Bangkok since 2002 to continue her independent media research in Southeast Asia, particularly Burma, where she founded the Myanmar Moving Image Center in 2003.

She initiated various projects and worked as a curator, including The Media Are With Us - The Role of Television in the Romanian Revolution (Budapest, 1990); the video program The Age of Nikola Tesla (Osnabrück, 1991); Ostranenie (Dessau, 1993), the Prague_Media_Symposium , Ex Oriente Lux - Romanian Video Week (Bucharest, 1993); the exhibitions Orbis Fictus (Prague, 1995) and POLITIK-UM / New Engamement , (Prague, 2002); and worked as an editor for the documenta 12 magazines project (2006–2007).

She teaches and gives lectures on media art, independent media and media activism at numerous institutions, including at the Technical University of Brno (1998–2002), in Kazakhstan (1999) and as a visiting professor at the Karlsruhe University of Design (HfG) .

Their video archive, which has been collected across different continents, was presented to the public in Vienna in 1999 under translocation_new media / art, Generali Foundation, and referred to in the German media as "the largest collection of revolutionary videos in private hands".

She wrote for numerous publications worldwide a. a. for Umělec magazine and Respekt in the Czech Republic newspaper . The focus of her essays is on society in transition.

Individual evidence

  1. Keiko Be a guest at Perspektive Film. Retrieved June 2, 2019 .
  2. ^ The Media Are With Us - Monoscope. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  3. Keiko Sei - Monoscope. Retrieved June 2, 2019 .