Celtiberian script

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Celtiberian character set - western variant (Ferrer i Jané 2005)
Celtiberian character set - eastern variant

The Celtiberian script is one of several closely related syllabic scripts of the Old Hispanic scripts that were used before and at the beginning of Roman rule on the Iberian Peninsula. It is unclear whether they go back to Phoenician models directly or indirectly via Greek letters. The Celtiberian script was used in the 2nd to 1st centuries BC on the Iberian Peninsula to record the language of the Celtiberians . The Celtiberian script is very similar to the Northeast Iberian script . The characters are partly open syllables made up of plosive sounds and vowels, and some are single sounds. There is a western variant that distinguishes between voiced and unvoiced plosives, and an eastern variant that does not. Most of the writing was written from left to right.


  • Ferrer i Jané, Joan (2005): “Novetats sobre el sistema dual de diferenciació gràfica de les oclusives sordes i sonores” ( Memento from February 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 244 kB), Palaeohispanica 5, p. 957– 982.
  • Hoz, Javier de (2005): “La lengua y la escritura celtibéricas”, Celtiberos. Tras la estela de Numancia , pp. 417-426.
  • Jordán, Carlos (2004): Celtibérico , Saragossa.
  • Jordán, Carlos (2005): "¿Sistema dual de escritura en celtibérico?" (PDF; 9.4 MB), Palaeohispanica 5, pp. 1013-1030.
  • Rodríguez Ramos, Jesús (1997): “Sobre el origen de la escritura celtibérica”, Kalathos 16, pp. 189–197.
  • Untermann, Jürgen (1997): Monumenta Linguarum Hispanicarum. IV The Tartessian, Celtiberian and Lusitanian inscriptions , Wiesbaden.
  • Schmoll, Ulrich (1960): “The Iberian and Celtiberian nasal signs”, KZ 76, 280–295.
  • Villar, Francisco (1993): "Las silbantes en celtibérico", Lengua y cultura en la Hispania prerromana , pp. 773-812.
  • Villar, Francisco (1995): Estudios de celtibérico y toponimia prerromana , Salamanca.

Web links

Commons : Celtiberian script  - collection of images, videos and audio files