Kiev Synopsis

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The Kiev Synopsis (Russian Синопсис, албо Краткое описание о начале русскаго народа , synopsis or brief description of the beginnings of the Russian people ... ) is a historical account of the "Russian people" of 1674. She appeared in Kiev , the author should Archimandrite Innocent Giesel have been.

The synopsis presented the history of Kievan Rus , was conquered by the Golden Horde , the Ruthenian population in the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the history of Tsardom in Moscow is you wanted the historical unity of the. Russians , Little Russians and Belarusians represent that in different domains lived. The synopsis contains lists of the Grand Dukes of Kiev , the Voivodes in Poland-Lithuania , the Cossacks - hetmans and the Kiev Metropolitans .

It appeared in updated editions in 1678 and 1680 and in 25 further editions up to 1861. It has long been the most important historical representation of the "Triune Russian People".

Modern research doubts that Innozenz Giesel was the author of the synopsis. Giesel was a native German and taught and wrote mostly in Polish or Latin. It remains unclear why he was named as the author.


  • Жиленко І. В., Синопсис Київський. Лаврський альманах , Kiev, 2002, 194 p. Digitized


  1. Иннокентий Innozenz Giesel
  2. The works Innocent Giesels (Polish)
  3. Possibly he was the editor as head of the cave monastery