Kinzig (ravine)

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Natural monument "Eichberggasse" in Bickensohl

A Kinzig , even Kinzge or Chinzig is the regional name for a loess - ravine . In some places the name Hohlgasse is also used.

Today the name is often only familiar to locals and is limited to the southern Ortenau , the Breisgau and the northern Markgräflerland between Friesenheim and Lipburg , a district of Badenweiler. In this area, to which the Kaiserstuhl also belongs, several hundred evidence of names with this designation for ravines could be found, although some of these are only documented from historical sources.

According to Rudolf Post , the word for ravine like the name of the river Kinzig belongs etymologically to Celtic * quentika . The Kinzig and Kinzge ravines are elongated, more or less deep cuts in the surface of the terrain. The namologists assume that the Alemanni took over the word from the Celtic-Roman pre-population after their conquest .

Linguists have found that today's dialect forms have developed from the Kinzege found in documents by weakening the ending to Kinzege > Kinzge > Kinzg from the 13th century . In Markgräflerland, south of the so-called Kind / Chind line , the word changes to Chinzge , Chinz , because there the initial k has shifted to ch.

In many cases the name Kinzig or Kinzge has been transferred to the adjacent arable or vineyard area and has become a common name there . In some cases the name has been retained, although the ravine itself is no longer called Kinzig. Examples can be found on the partial markings of the municipality of March near Freiburg. In the district of Neuershausen there is the name “ Hohkinzig ” (1341: uf der high kinzegen ), derived from a ravine that leads up to the height of the Nimberg and the name “ Kinzigle ”, named in 1344 as “ next to the small kinzen ” becomes. In the Holzhausener Bann there was a “ Blinde Kinzig ” (1423: next to the blind kinczgun ), whereby “ blint ” could also mean “dark, hidden” in Middle High German. The " Pfaffkinzig ", referred to as " des pfaffen kinzen " in 1327 , is still partially recognizable today as a ravine and leads to Hugstetten.


  • Karl Friedrich Müller: The Breisgauer Kinzigen. Studies on the Upper Rhine 1:56 S. Schauenburg Lahr 1951.
  • Rudolf Post : The Kinzig and the Alemannic Kinzge, Chinzge. Rosetti Forum 3/4: 52-53. 2007
  • Rudolf Post, with the collaboration of Friedel Scheer-Nahor: Alemannic dictionary for Baden. Edited by the regional association Badische Heimat e. V. and the Muettersproch-Gsellschaft, Association for Alemannic Language e. V. (Volume 2 of the "Series of publications of the Badische Heimat"). G. Braun Buchverlag, Karlsruhe 2009. ISBN 978-3-7650-8534-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Post 2009: 178
  2. ↑ Field names in the community of March by Thomas Steffens