Church of St. Mark (Batković)

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The Church of St. Mark. ( Serbian : Црква Светог Апостола и Јеванђелиста Марка, Crkva Svetog Apostola i Jevanđelista Marka ) in the Opština (municipality) Bijeljina gehörendem village Batkovic is a Serbian Orthodox branch church in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina . The church is also known as St. Mark's Chapel .

The cemetery church, built from 2012 to 2015, is dedicated to St. Apostle and Evangelist , Mark . It is a branch church of the parish Batković I, in the deanery Bijeljina of the eparchy Zvornik - Tuzla of the Serbian Orthodox Church .


The Church of St. Mark is located in the village cemetery of Batković, on a parcel of 460 m². Batković has around 3,500 inhabitants. The oldest tombs in the cemetery date from the 19th century. In the village there is also the Serbian Orthodox parish church, the Batković I parish, built from 1984 to 1988, and the Church of St. Sava .

The village is located on the flat plain of the Semberija , north of the municipal capital Bijeljina, not far from the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the neighboring country of Serbia to the east.

The municipality of Bijeljina is located in the Republika Srpska , one of the two entities in the country, with a predominantly Serbian population.

History and architecture

The construction of the church began in 2012. The construction work was carried out by the Buk promet construction company from Bijeljina .

As Ktitoren (founder) of the church, dating back to the village Batkovic couple apply Momcilo and Milanka Nikolić , the Church for the salvation of their tragically deceased son Marko who built. On Saturday, May 9, 2015, the church was solemnly consecrated by the episcope of the Zvornik-Tuzla Eparchy, Hrizostom (Jević), with the assistance of Archpriest Milan Perković, Archpriest Dragan Ilić and Deacon Bogdan Stjepanović and the first Holy Liturgy was held in the church celebrated.

The inauguration of the church was supposed to take place in 2014, but had to be postponed by a year because of the great Balkan flood in 2014 (Balkan low Yvette ), which also hit the village of Batković badly.

The single-nave church with the dimensions 10 × 6 m was built in the Serbian-Byzantine style , with an altar - apse in the east and a small bell tower in the west. The church was built from small bricks, a dome rises above the middle of the nave.

The church has a church bell. The church of St. Mark is currently only partially painted with Byzantine frescoes inside. It has a small wooden iconostasis with icons , which is typical of Orthodox church buildings .

The facade of the church is kept simple in white. The red paintwork on the side walls is striking. Entrances to the church are on the west, south and north sides. There is an icon above the west entrance depicting St. Mark.

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Coordinates: 44 ° 49 ′ 33.9 ″  N , 19 ° 12 ′ 42.5 ″  E