Church district Mosbach

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Protestant church district Mosbach
Regional Church: Evangelical Church in Baden
Church district : North Baden
Parishes : 27
Parishes :
Dean : Folkhard Krall
Address of the
Dean's Office :
Martin-Butzer-Strasse 3
74821 Mosbach
Website: kirchen

The Protestant church district of Mosbach (also Protestant deanery Mosbach ) is one of 24 church districts or deaneries of the Evangelical Church in Baden . It belongs to the parish of North Baden and includes 27  parishes .



The Protestant church district of Mosbach is divided into the following 27 parishes and three other institutions:


Deanery / Protestant Church District Mosbach, Evangelical School Deanery Adelsheim-Boxberg and Mosbach as well as an administration and service office.


Auerbach, Billigheim-Sulzbach, Dallau, Fahrenbach, Großeicholzheim, Haßmersheim-Hochhausen-Neckarmühlbach, Hüffenhardt, Kälbertshausen, Mosbach Hospital, Lohrbach, Middle Neckar Valley, Mosbach (Christ parish), Mosbach (Johannes-Diakonie), Mosbach (monastery parish with mountain field and forest town) , Mudau, Neckarburken, Neckarelz, Neckarelz-Diedesheim, Neckarzimmern, Oberdielbach, Obrigheim, Reichenbuch, Rittersbach, Schefflenz, Schollbrunn, Waldbrunn-Strümpfelbrunn and Waldkatzenbach.

organization structure

The ecclesial communities of the church district Mosbach own the rights to a public body , that is, they are contrary to parishes as parishes designated. A parish council is elected every six years in the respective parishes. This administers the parish together with the supervising pastor. Usually several parishes are looked after by one parish office . The parishes receive allocations from the Evangelical Church in Baden in accordance with the statutory provisions on financial equalization.

Demographic and socio-spatial structure

The Protestant church district of Mosbach is located in the Neckar-Odenwald district .

The church district borders in the east on the church district Adelsheim-Boxberg , in the west on the church district Neckargemünd-Eberbach and in the south-west on the church district Kraichgau .

The church district belongs to the Evangelical Church of Baden, based in Karlsruhe, and to the North Baden Prelature, based in Mannheim .

Ecumenical cooperation

In the area of ​​ecumenical cooperation, the Roman Catholic deanery Mosbach-Buchen comprises parts of the Protestant church district of Mosbach.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evangelical regional church in Baden: Dean's offices . Online at Retrieved July 2, 2018.
  2. ^ A b c Mosbach church district: parishes and deanery . Online at www.kirchen Retrieved July 2, 2018.