Little Cumania
Little Cumania ( Kiskunság in Hungarian ) is a region in Hungary . The area south of Budapest and north of Szeged , in the area between the Danube and Tisza . Little Cumania was settled by the Kun (Cumans) in the 13th and 14th centuries .
Small Cumanian settlements
The following small towns belonged to the historical region of Little Cumania until 1876 :
- Fülöpszállás
- Kiskundorozsma
- Kiskunfélegyháza
- Kiskunhalas
- Kiskunmajsa
- Kiskunlacháza (The village of Pereg, which was attached in 1950, did not belong to Little Cumania)
- Kunszentmiklós
- Szabadszállás
There are 27 villages in the former Pusztage areas of Klein-Kumanien:
- Balotaszállás
- Bordany
- Csólyospálos
- Felsőlajos
- Forráskút
- Fülöpháza
- Fülöpjakab
- Gátér
- Imrehegy (Was founded from the Kecel border areas belonging to Little Cumania )
- Jakabszállás
- Jászkarajenő
- Jászszentlászló
- Kerekegyháza
- Kocsér
- Kunfehértó
- Kunszállás
- Ladánybene
- Lajosmizse
- Móricgát
- Orgovány
- Petőfiszállás
- Pirtó
- Pusztamérges
- Szank
- Üllés
- Zsana
- Zsombó