Kissjabika Bairjasowa

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Kissjabika (Kissjakbika) Bairjassowa ( Russian Кисябика (Кисякбика) Байрясова * 1679 in Duwan -Stammesgebiet in of Bashkirs populated Siberian Daruga; † April 30 jul. / 11. May  1739 greg. In Yekaterinburg ) was a Russian zwangsgetaufte Baschkirin and Apostatin .


Kissjabika Bairjasowa was married in the Katai tribal area in the Siberian Daruga.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the so-called mountain power established itself in the Urals , headed by the commander-in-chief of the Ural mining administration and founder of Yekaterinburg Vasily Nikititsch Tatishchev . In the Urals, new deposits were developed and mines and smelting works opened. After the incorporation of the tribal areas into the Russian Empire, the local population feared the loss of their old rights and tried to defend their culture and religion. An uprising broke out, which was put down by the mountain forces with punitive campaigns . The inhabitants of the uprising villages were, if they were not killed, forcibly baptized and sold as serfs to the landlords .

Kissjabika Bairjasowa was captured as a Bashkir from the Katai tribal area and brought to Yekaterinburg, where she was handed over as a serf to the writer and translator Kiriak Kondratovich. She was baptized and named Katerina. On September 18, Jul. / 29 September  1737 greg. she escaped for the first time with a young prisoner who lived with Tatishchev. The old woman was caught and given the whip. On September 26th Jul. / 7th October  1737 greg. she fled from Yekaterinburg with the wife of the Bergmacht secretary Ivan Sorin. Kissjabika Bairjasowa was caught again and got the knuckle .

On April 20, Jul. / May 1,  1738 greg. the Bashkire Toigildy Schuljakow was burned at the stake because he had returned to Islam after converting to Christianity . All the Bashkirs in and around Yekaterinburg had been put to the stake.

In September 1738, Kissjabika Bairjasowa fled for the third time. She was recaptured and interrogated in December 1738. The decision of the Chancellery of the Main Administration of Metallurgical Works from January 31st jul. / February 11,  1739 greg. for the execution at the stake of the apostatic Tatar woman Kissjabika Bairjassowa, who fled three times, Major General Soimonov on March 14th July. / March 25,  1739 greg. signed. A month later, 60-year-old Kissjabika Bairjasowa was burned in the central square in Yekaterinburg.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Последний официальный костер в России был сложен для человека в 1739 году (accessed February 23, 2020).
  2. Олег ЛОГИНОВ: Уральская преступность. Первые разбойники на Среднем Урале . In: ВЕДОМОСТИ Урал . June 29, 2011 ( [1] [accessed February 23, 2020]).
  3. Ракитин А. И .: Загадочные преступления прошлого (accessed February 23, 2020).
  4. Ирек Амантаев: Взаимоотношения власти и башкир в документах первой трети XVIII в. (accessed on February 23, 2020).
  5. Старостин А. Н .: Ислам в Свердловской области . Логос, Moscow 2007, p. 28 .