Kitō Nabesaburō

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Kitō Nabesaburō ( Japanese 鬼頭 鍋 三郎 ; born June 18, 1899 in Nagoya ; died June 14, 1982 ) was a Japanese painter of the Yōga direction during the Shōwa period .

life and work

After Kitō had graduated from the Nagoya School of Commerce, he went to Tōkyō, where he studied painting under Okada Saburōsuke and Tsuji Hisashi ( 辻 永 ; 1887–1972). Kitō was able to show his first pictures in 1924 at the 5th Annual Teiten Exhibition. He also presented his pictures at the Kōfū-kai ( 光 風 会 ) exhibitions and won the Kōfū Prize in 1927. In 1931 he became a member of this association. In 1934 Kito was honored on the 15th Teiten and in 1943 he became a juror for the Shin-Bunter exhibitions.

After the Pacific War , Kitō showed his pictures mainly on the Nitten and the exhibitions of the Kōfū-kai and acted as one of their jurors. In 1955, Kitō's painting “In the Atelier” ( ア ト リ エ に て , Atorie nite ), which he had shown at the 11th Nitten, received the Japanese Academy of Arts Prize , in 1963 he became a member of the Academy.

Kitō's work was carried out in a realistic manner. In particular, he became known for his gentle style in which he painted his pictures, especially those of young girls and women. In the 1970s his style changed, he became more decorative, more traditional in Japanese, as his series of pictures of dancing girls ( 舞 子 , maiko ) shows. - Representative works are “Sewing” ( 縫 物 , Nuimono ; 1943), “Ballerina” ( バ レ リ ー ナ , Barerīna ; 1951) and “New Year” ( 正月 , Shōgatsu ; 1978).


  1. a b c Teiten ( 帝 展 ) is the abbreviation for the annual state art exhibition ( 帝国 美術展 覧 会 , Teikoku bijutsu-in tenrankai ) between 1919 and 1935. The predecessor from 1907 to 1918 was called Bunten ( 文 展 ) for Mombushō bijutsu tenrankai ( 文部省 美術展 覧 会 ), the successor from 1936 to 1944 was given a shin ( ) for “new”.


  • Tazawa, Yutaka: Kitō Nabesaburō . In: Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Art . Kodansha International, 1981. ISBN 0-87011-488-3 .
  • Laurance P. Roberts: Kitō Nabesaburō . In: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists . Weatherhill, 1976. ISBN 0-8348-0113-2 .

Web links

At the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo :