Klára Körmendi

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Klára Körmendi (born March 22, 1944 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian pianist.


Klára Körmendi studied in Budapest at the Bartók Conservatory with Kornél Zempléni (1922–2013) and with Péter Solymos (1910–2000) at the Franz Liszt Music Academy , where she graduated in 1967.

Even before the fall of the Wall, in 1984 she produced a record with Hungaroton with examples of works by Zsolt Durkó , Attila Bozay , John Cage , Iannis Xenakis and Karlheinz Stockhausen . She played the piano work of Eric Satie at Naxos in the 1990s .

Since 1993 she has been teaching at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest.

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