Klaus Dieter Vervuert

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Klaus Dieter Vervuert (born August 12, 1945 in Lindlar ; † May 9, 2017 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German publisher and bookseller .

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Lifelong interest and enthusiasm for Latin American literature was sparked by an early stay in Argentina. In the mid-1960s there was close contact with Argentine writers and publishers. Klaus D. Vervuert first appeared as a translator of contemporary German poetry ( Nelly Sachs , Paul Celan , Ingeborg Bachmann among others) into Spanish, as well as through translations by Latin American writers ( Eduardo Galeano and Alejandra Pizarnik ) into German.

After completing his studies in Romance and German at the University of Frankfurt, from 1975 he devoted himself to the distribution of publications from Spain and Latin America, two years later he founded the Iberoamericana Vervuert Verlag . In 1996 the branch in Madrid was opened and in 2004 the [Librería Iberoamericana] in the Barrio de las Letras. Vervuert contributed significantly to the development of German Hispanic and Latin American studies. The Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2009 and recognized him for his tireless commitment and commitment. In 2017 he received the Order Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio .

In 2019, the Premio de Ensayo Hispánico Klaus D. Vervuert was announced for the first time , which is awarded every two years to a previously unpublished humanities thesis in the field of Hispanic studies.

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