Klaus Janson

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Klaus Janson (2013)

Klaus Janson (* 1952 in Coburg ) is an American comic artist . Janson was best known for his drawings for Frank Miller's comic novel The Dark Knight Returns .


As a child, Janson moved with his parents from West Germany to the United States, where he grew up in Connecticut. As a teenager, Janson met the comic artist Dick Giordano , whose assistant he became. At Giordano's mediation, Janson finally got a job as an ink draftsman at the Marvel Comics publisher, where he initially inked the drawings for Sal Buscema for the series The Defenders .

Since then, Janson has worked both as a pencil draftsman and as a revising Indian ink draftsman. He mainly focuses on engagements with the major US publishers DC Comics and Marvel Comics .

Together with his friend Frank Miller , Janson designed the Marvel series Daredevil in the early 1980s. The successful collaboration between the two eventually led to the fact that both of DC Comics were hired for the Batman project, The Dark Knight Returns . In this comic novel, first published in 1986 as a miniseries and since then reissued countless times as an anthology, the superhero Batman is placed in a dystopian future scenario in which he - now an old man - returns from retirement to return to his hometown, plagued by crime to keep things tidy.

After a dispute during the production of the multi-award-winning Dark Knights, which was acclaimed by critics and a broad readership alike, Janson and Miller ended their artistic partnership, which they have not resumed since.

Meanwhile, Janson has designed many works by other artists: for example, in 1991 he drew some stories written by Grant Morrison for the Batman series Legends of the Dark Knight , designed some Batman stories written by Doug Moench for the series Showcase '93 and visualized Greg Rucka's mini-series Death and the Maidens .

In addition, Janson taught at the School of Visual Arts in New York City for more than a decade and is a permanent freelancer at the New York Museum of Comicbook Art.

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